Chapter 13: Actions Copy
Acotejar (Cuba) - To put in order, organize objects
Exampe: Necesito acotejar mis libros. - I need to organize my books.
Apolillar (Argentina) - To sleep
Exampe: Acabo de apolillar al bebé. - I just put the baby to sleep.
Bailar (México) - To steal
Exampe: Un niño acaba de bailar mi globo. - A kid just stole my balloon.
Bardear (Argentina) - To mock, To insult
Exampe: Su hermana me bardeó. - Her sister insulted me.
Boludear (Argentina) - Screw around
Exampe: Vamos a boludear al patio. - Let's go screw around at the backyard.
Bretear (Costa Rica) - To work
Exampe: Debo irme a bretear. - I need to leave to work.
Buitrear () - To vomit
Exampe: No te atrevas a buitrear en el sofa. - Don't you dare vomit on the couch.
Cachar (Chile) - Understand
Exampe: No cachas nada. - You don't understand anything.
Camellar (Colombia) - To work
Exampe: Tengo que camellar temprano. - I need to go work early.
Chambear (Guatemala) - To work
Exampe: Prefiero chambear por las noches. - I prefer to work at nights.
Chapar (Argentina) - To kiss
Exampe: Le gusta chapar con chicas menores. - He likes to kiss younger girls.
Chimar (Guatemala) - To have sex
Exampe: Mi novia quiere chimar. - My girlfriend wants to have sex.
Chingadazo (México) - Blow, strike, hit, collision
Exampe: Se dio un chingadazo con otro auto. - He crashed on another car.
Chorear (Argentina) - To steal
Exampe: Le chorearon la cartera mientras caminaba. - His wallet was stolen while he was walking.
Chotear (Panamá) - To greet
Exampe: Sería grosero si no te acercaras a chotearla. - It would be rude if you did not go over and say hello to her.
Chupar (México) - To drink alcoholic beverages
Exampe: Después que termine la fiesta seguiremos chupando en el bar. - After the party ends we'll continue drinking in the bar.
Cocotazo (Cuba) - Hit in the head with the knuckles
Exampe: Le dieron un cocotazo por portarse mal. - He was hit on the head for misbehaving.
Echar los perros (Colombia) - To court someone
Exampe: Javier le esta echando los perros a Maria. - Javier is flirting with Maria.
Fajar (Argentina) - To beat someone up
Exampe: Ayer me fajaron para robarme mi dinero. - Yesterday they beat me up to steal my money.
Follar (Spain) - To have sex
Exampe: vNo voy a follar contigo. - I'm not going to have sex with you.
Hacer machete (Argentina) - To cheat (exams)
Exampe: Tuve que hacer machete para pasar Matemáticas. - I had to cheat in order to pass Mathematics.
Hacerse la yuta (Argentina) - To skip school
Exampe: ¿Por qué te hiciste la yuta? - Why did you skip school?
Huevear (Chile) - To annoy
Exampe: Deja de huevear, ¿No ves que estoy ocupado? - Stop bothering me, can't you see I'm busy?
Ir al sobre (Argentina) - Go to sleep
Exampe: Es hora de irse al sobre. - It's time to go sleep.
Irse en pira (Cuba) - To leave a place
Exampe: Lester se fue en pira y no avisó a nadie. - Lester left the place without a notice.
Jalar (Spain) - To eat
Exampe: Deberías dejar de jalar tanto, no es bueno para la salud. - You should stop eating so much, it's not healthy.
Jamar (Perú) - To eat
Exampe: No estoy de animos para jamar ahora. - I'm not in the mood to eat right now.
Jetear (México) - To sleep
Exampe: No me gusta jetear en hoteles. - I don't like to sleep in hotels.
Latear (Perú) - To walk
Exampe: Solo fui a latear por ahí, no te preocupes. - I just went to walk around, don't worry.
Lorear (Perú) - To talk
Exampe: ¿Alguna vez dejan de lorear? - Do you ever stop talking?
Mechar (Cuba) - To work out
Exampe: Debo ir a mechar en dos horas. - I must go work out in two hours.
Miar (Costa Rica) - To urinate, to piss
Exampe: No puedes miar aquí afuera. - You can't urinate out here.
Monchar (Costa Rica) - To eat
Exampe: Voy a monchar, volveré luego. - I'm going to eat, I'll get back later.
Morfar (Uruguay, Argentina) - To eat
Exampe: Recien termino de morfar. - I just finished eating.
Papear (Argentina) - To eat
Exampe: Dejame papear algo y estoy listo. - Let me eat something and I'll be ready.
Parchar (México) - To have sex
Exampe: Creo que hoy parcho. - I think I'm going to have sex today.
Pegar los tarros (Cuba) - To cheat on one's partner
EExampe: scuché que le pego los tarros la semana pasada. - I've heard she cheated on him last week.
Peinar (México) - To steal
Exampe: Me ha peinado el teléfono. - He has stolen my phone.
Pinchar (Cuba) - To work
Exampe: Tengo que levantarme temprano para ir a pinchar. - I need to wake up early to go work.
Pistear (México) - To drink alcoholic beverages
Exampe: Solo pisteo los sábados. - I only have alcoholic drinks on saturdays.
Pololear (Chile) - To date
Exampe: Estoy pololeando con Cristina. - I'm dating Cristina.
Potar (Spain) - To vomit
Exampe: Si quieres potar, ve al baño. - If you want to vomit, go to the bathroom.
Quimbar (Cuba) - To have sex
Exampe: No quiero quimbar esta noche. - I don't want to have sex tonight.
Ranchear (Perú) - To eat
Exampe: No me gusta ranchear sola. - I don't like to eat alone.
Somanta (Spain) - Beating
Exampe: Le está dando una somanta en el patio. - He's beating him on the backyard.
Sopear (El Salvador) - To vomit
Exampe: Si quieres sopear, vé al baño. - If you want to vomit, go to the bathroom.
Templar (Cuba) - To have sex
Exampe: No me apetece templar con cualquiera. - I'm not interested in having sex with anyone.
Timar (Spain) - To cheat, to scam
Exampe: Ten cuidado con que te vayan a timar. - Be careful, don't get yourself scammed.
Tirar (Chile) - To kiss
Exampe: Se va a tirar a tu hermana. - He's going to kiss your sister.
Torrar (Argentina) - To sleep
Es hora de torrar. - It's time to sleep.
Transar (Argentina) - Kissing with tongue
Exampe: ¿Te lo transaste? - Did you kiss him?
Verguear (Guatemala) - To beat
Exampe: Vete a verguear a otro. - Go beat someone else.
Waquear (Guatemala) - To vomit
Exampe: Si quieres waquear, ve al baño. - If you want to vomit, go to the bathroom.
Zampar (Spain) - Eat or drink fast/excessively
Exampe: Me gusta zampar los fines de semanas. - I like to eat a lot on weekends.
Zusnar (Cuba) - To sleep
Exampe: Es hora de irse a zusnar - It's time to go sleep.