Chapter 14 : Bad Behavior Copy Copy
Bailar (México) - To steal
Example: Un niño acaba de robar mi globo. - A kid just stole my balloon.
Bardear (Argentina)- To mock, To insult
Example: Su hermana me bardeó. - Her sister insulted me.
Cahuín (Chile) - Gossip
Example: No es bueno ser un cahuín. - It's not good to be a gossip.
Chanta (Chile) - A deceiver, cheater, swindler
Example: He oido que tu hermano es un chanta, ¿Es verdad? - I'v heard that your brother is a cheater, is that true?
Chorear (Argentina) - To steal
Example: Le chorearon la cartera mientras caminaba. - His wallet was stolen while he was walking.
Choya (Honduras) - Laziness
Example: ¡Qué choya organizar mi cuarto hoy! - I'm too lazy to clean my room today!
Chuleta (Spain) - Cheat Sheet
Example: Antonio sacó la nota máxima porque tenía una chuleta escondida en la prueba. - Antonio got the highest grade because he had a hidden cheat sheet in the exam.
Copialina (Colombia)- Cheat sheet
Example: Sin la copialina no hubiera aprobado el examen. - I wouldn't have passed the exam without the cheat sheet.
Cotilla (Spain) - Gossipy person
Example: Mi vecina Josefa es una cotilla. - Josefa, my neighbor, is a gossip.
Fajar (Argentina) - To beat someone up
Example: Ayer me fajaron para robarme mi dinero. - Yesterday they beat me up to steal my money.
Fajarse (Cuba) - Fight
Example: Raulito se fajó con su mejor amigo. - Raulito got into a fight with his best friend.
Fiaca (Argentina) - Laziness, be lazy
Example: No iré a la escuela hoy, tengo fiaca. - I won't go to school today, I'm lazy.
Gamín (Colombia) - Usually use drugs
Example: Creo que está en prisión por gamín. - I think he is in prison for being a junkie.
Hacer machete (Argentina) - To cheat (exams)
Example: Tuve que hacer machete para pasar Matemáticas. -I had to cheat in order to pass Mathematics.
Hacerse la yuta (Argentina) - To skip school
Example: ¿Por qué te hiciste la yuta? - Why did you skip school?
Hueva (México) - Laziness, be lazy
Example: Que hueva, no quiero ir a clase. - Such laziness, I don't want to go school.
Huevear (Chile) - To annoy
Example: Deja de huevear, ¿No ves que estoy ocupado? - Stop bothering me, can't you see I'm busy?
Tolero (Chile) - Liar
Example: Eres un tolero, no me hables mas. - You're a liar, don't ever talk to me again.
Macana (Argentina, Bolivia) - Problem
Example: No te mandes macanas, son sólo 10 minutos. - Don't get into trouble, it's just 10 minutes.
Machete (Argentina) - Cheat sheet
Example: Estudié un poco, pero también llevaré un machete por precaución. - I have studied a bit, but I'll take a cheat sheet just in case.
Mojonero (Venezuela) - A liar, someone who lies
Example: No seas mojonero, eso no terminará bien. - Don't be a liar, it won't end well.
Peinar (México) - To steal
Example: Me ha peinado el telefono. - He has stolen my phone.
Pegar los tarros (Cuba) - To cheat on one's partner
Example: Escuché que le pego los tarros la semana pasada. - I've heard she cheated on him last week.
Peinarv (México) - To steal
Example: Me ha peinado el telefono. - He has stolen my phone.
Pichirre (Venezuela) - Selfish, stingy
Example: El jefe es un pichirre, no nos quiere pagar los dias extra. - The boss is stingy, he doesn't want to pay our extra days.
Somanta (Spain) - Beating
Example: Le está dando una somanta en el patio. - He's beating him in the backyard.
Timar (Spain) - To cheat, to scam
Example: Ten cuidado con que te vayan a timar. - Be careful, don't get yourself scammed.