Chapter 18: Insults Copy
Aragán (Cuba)- Lazy person
Example: El nuevo profesor es un aragán. - The new teacher is too lazy
.Argel (Paraguay) - Unpleasant
Example: Es muy bonita, pero es muy argel. - She is pretty, but way too mean.
Bagre (Argentina) - Ugly Person
Example: La chica que besaste anoche era un bagre. - The girl you kissed last night was ugly.
Bardear (Argentina) - To mock, To insult
Example: Su hermana me bardeó. - Her sister insulted me.
Bemba (Venezuela) - Thick or large lips
Example: Mira la bemba de ese tipo. - Look at that guy's huge lips.
Bollo (Colombia) - Shit, excrement
Example: ¡Joder tío! Eso huele como un bollo. - Shit man! That smells like shit.
Bolsero (Chile) - Someone who constantly ask for money
Example: No le respondas, ese chaval es un bolsero. - Don't even answer to him, he is a beggar.
Cafre (Cuba) - Unintellligent person
Example: No pierdas tu tiempo, es un cafre. - Don't waste your time, he's unintelligent.
Capullo (Spain) - Idiot, Stupid Person
Example: Ese poli es un capullo. - That cop is an idiot.
Chanta (Chile) - A deceiver, cheater, swindler
Example: He oido que tu hermano es un chanta, ¿Es verdad? - I'v heard that your brother is a cheater, is that true?
Chichipato (Colombia) - Stingy
Example: ¡No seas tan chichipato! - Don't be so stingy!
Cholero (Argentina) - Womanizer
Example: Todo el mundo sabe que él es un cholero. - Everyone knows he is a womanizer.
Chombo (Panamá) - Derogatory term used to refer to black people
Example: Estaban dos chombos en la puerta impidiendo la entrada. - There were two black men standing at the door blocking the entrance.
Codo (México) - Stingy
Example: No seas codo, son solo diez dólares. - Don't be so stingy!, it's only ten dollars.
Cojudo (Perú) - Stupid person, silly
Example: No seas cojudo y habla con el jefe para un aumento. - Don't be stupid and talk to the boss for a raise.
Comebola (Cuba) - Stupid, idiot
Example: Te comportas como un comebolas cuando estás cerca de ella. - You act like an idiot when you are around her.
Cotilla (Spain) - Gossipy person
Mi vecina Josefa es una cotilla. - Josefa, my neighbor, is a gossip.
Escracho (Uruguay) - Ugly person
Example: Salieron con dos minas, una era bonita, pero la otra un escracho. - Two girls went out, one was beautiful, but the other ugly.
Gil (Argentina) - Idiot, Stupid
Example: No seas gil, ya supéralo. - Don't be an idiot, get over it.
Gilipollas (Spain) - Asshole, idiot
Example: Mi padrastro es un gilipollas. - My stepfather is an asshole.
Gonorrea (Colombia) - Bad person
Example: No confíes mucho en él, es un gonorrea. - Don't trust him, he is a bad person.
Jamaliche (Cuba) - Glutton
Example: Ese tipo es un jamaliche, ya se metió la comida y quiere más. - That guys is a glutton, he has eaten all the food already and wants more.
Líchigo (Colombia) - Stingy
Example: No seas lichigo, dame uno mas. - Don't be stingy, give me one more.
Mala leche (Chile) - Negative Person
Example: Tu amigo Francisco es super mala leche. - Your friend Francisco is a very bad intentioned person.
Mamerto (Argentina) - Idiot
Example: Ese pibe es un mamerto. - That guy is silly.
Mamón (Spain) - Jerk, idiot
Example: ¡Mamón!, lo has estropeado todo. - You're an idiot, you've ruined everything.
Mamón (Colombia) - Tedious, boring, annoying
Example: Tu primo es un mamón. - Your cousin is a boring person.
Menso (México) - Stupid person
Example: No seas menso, solo estaba bromeando. - Don't be stupid, I was kidding.
Mojonero (Venezuela) - A liar, someone who lies
Example: No seas mojonero, eso no terminará bien. - Don't be a liar, it won't end well.
Mongolo (Spain) - Asshole, idiot
Example: El nuevo jefe es un mongolo, no tiene respeto por nadie. - The new boss is an asshole, shows no respect for anyone.
Nabo (Uruguay) - Stupid person
Example: No seas nabo, ella no te quiere. - Don't be stupid, she doesn't love you.
Pajla (Argentina) - Bald
Example: Solo tiene veinte años y ya es casi pajla. - He's only twenty years old and he's almost bald.
Palero (Perú) - Liar
Example: No seas palero, he visto todo. - Don't be a liar, I've seen it all.
Pánfilo (Honduras) - Stupid, idiot
Example: No seas pánfilo, ella no te quiere. - Don't be an idiot, she doesn't love you.
Pichirre (Venezuela) - Selfish, stingy
Example: El jefe es un pichirre, no nos quiere pagar los días extra. - The boss is stingy, he doesn't want to pay our extra days.
Pinche (Costa Rica) - Stingy
Example: Este pinche chico piensa que es el dueño del lugar. - This stingy boy thinks he owns the place.
Sorompo (Costa Rica) - Stupid person, silly
Example: Es un sorompo, nunca entiende nada. - He's stupid, never understands anything.
Tarado (Argentina) - Stupid person
Example: No seas tarado, ella no te quiere. - Don't be stupid, she doesn't love you.
Tarugo (México) - Stupid person
Example: Eres un tarugo, no quiero verte más. - You're an idiot, I don't wanna see you anymore.
Weón (Chile) - Stupid person
Example: No seas weón, presta atención. - Don't be stupid, pay attention.
Zapato (Colombia) - Ugly person
Example: Ese chico es un zapato. - That's such an ugly boy.