Lesson 28 of 27
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Chapter 2: People and Descriptions Copy

Alero (Honduras) Close Friend!

Example: Pasé la noche en casa de un alero. - I've spent the night at my friend's house.

Amarrete (Argentina)Stingy

Example: Tu padre es un amarrete. - Your father is a stingy man.

Aragán (Cuba) Lazy person

Example: El nuevo profesor es un aragán. - The new teacher is too lazy.

Argel (Paraguay) - Unpleasant

Example: Es muy bonita, pero es muy argel. - She is pretty, but way too mean.

Bagre (Argentina)Ugly Person

Example: La chica que besaste anoche era un bagre. - The girl you kissed last night was ugly.

Bollo (Colombia) Pretty woman

Example: Mi maestra es todo un bollo.- My teacher is such a pretty woman.

Bolsero (Chile)Someone who constantly ask for money

Example: No le respondas, ese chaval es un bolsero. - Don't even answer to him, he is a beggar.

Brazuca (Argentina)Brazilian

Example: El nuevo vecino es un brazuca. - The new neighbour is Brazilian.

Cabeciduro (Colombia) Stubborn person

Example: ¿Cómo pude ser tan cabeciduro para no aceptarlo?  - How can he be so stubborn not to accept it?

Cabra (Costa Rica ) Girlfriend, young woman

Example: ¿Esa es la cabra de Jorge? - Is that Jorge's girlfriend?

Cabro (Chile) Young boy

Example: Ese cabro tiene buen futuro. - That kid has a good future.

Cafre (Cuba)Unintellligent person

Example: No pierdas tu tiempo, es un cafre. - Don't waste your time, he's unintelligent.

Cagón (SpainArgentina)Coward person

Example: Ven aquí, no seas cagón. - Come over here, don't be a coward.

Capullo (Spain)Idiot, Stupid Person

Example: Ese poli es un capullo. - That cop is an idiot.

Carnal (México)Brother, Sister

Example: Por supuesto, ¡eres mi carnal! - Of course, you are my bro!

Chamaco (México) Child, Boy, Kid

Example:  Ese chamaco es bastante alto. - That kid is quite tall.

Chancón (Perú) Someone who studies very hard; a nerd

Example: Tienes que ser un chancón para aprobar el examen. - You need to be a nerd to pass that exam.

Chanta (Chile)A deceiver, cheater, swindler

Example: He oido que tu hermano es un chanta, ¿Es verdad? - I'v heard that your brother is a cheater, is that true?

Chato (Perú)Short (Used to describe a person)

Example: Eres muy chato para jugar con nosotros. - You're too short to play with us.

Chaval (Spain) Boy, kid

Example: Ese chaval esta loco. - That kid is crazy.

Chero (El Salvador)Close Friend

Example: Es un chero, no te preocupes. - Don't worry, he's an old friend.

Chévere (Perú) Cool, nice

Example: Antes eras chévere. - You used to be cool.

Chichipato (Colombia)Stingy

Example: ¡No seas tan chichipato! - Don't be so stingy!

Chicoco (Chile)Kid, child

Example: ¡Que lindo chicoco! - Such a cute kid!

Chillo (Puerto RIco) -Lover

Example: He escuchado que tiene un chillo. - I've heard she has a lover.

Chilpayate (México) Young boy

Example: ¡Que chilpayate más atrevido! - Such disrespectful kid!

Chintano (Nicaragua) A person missing teeth

Example: Es un chintano, debería ir al dentista. - He's got a teeth missing, he should go to the dentist.

Choche (Perú)Friend

Example: Te presento a mi choche Carlos. - I introduce you to my friend Carlos.

Chocho (BoliviaArgentina)Happy

Example: Esta chocho con su nuevo auto. - He's so happy with his new car.

Cholero (Argentina) Womanizer

Example: Todo el mundo sabe que él es un cholero.- Everyone knows he is a womanizer.

Chombo (Panamá) Derogatory term used to refer to black people

Example: Estaban dos chombos en la puerta impidiendo la entrada. - There were two black men standing at the door blocking the entrance.

Choya (Honduras) Laziness

Example: ¡Qué choya organizar mi cuarto hoy! - I'm too lazy to clean my room today!

Chupado (Perú) Shy person

Example: No seas chupado, me lo puedes contar todo. - Don't be shy, you can tell me everything.

Churri (Spain) Sweetheart, honey

Example: Churri no quiero que haya secretos entre los dos. - Sweetheart, I don't want any secrets between us.

Churumbel (Spain)Child, Kid

Example: Felipe se casó y ya va a tener un churumbel. - Felipe got married and will have a child.

Cipote (El Salvador)Kid, child, boy

Example: Nada más son cosas de cipotes. - It's only kid stuff.

Codo (México) Stingy

Example: No seas codo, son solo diez dólares. - Don't be so stingy!, it's only ten dollars.

Compinche (Venezuela)Friend

Example: Mi compinche Alberto y yo nos iremos a pescar este sábado. - My friend Alberto and I will go fishing on Saturday.

Consorte (Cuba)Friend, Dude

Example: Mi consorte, es mejor ir para casa que va a llover. - My friend, it's better to go home, it's going to rain.

Cotilla (Spain)Gossipy person

Example: Mi vecina Josefa es una cotilla. - Josefa, my neighbor, is a gossip.

Cuate (MexicoBolivia) Dude, Friend

Example: El es mi cuate, se llama Daniel. - This is my friend, his name is Daniel.

Cuatrojos (Argentina) Geek

Example: Es una cuatrojos pero me cae bien. - She's a geek, but I like her.

Cuero (Colombia)Ugly woman

Example: Marcia sí es muy bonita pero su hermana es un cuero. - Marcia is so beautiful but her sister is ugly.

Cuico (Chile)Upper Class Person

Example: El hijo del director es muy cuico. - The principal's son is very rich.

Desentejado (Colombia) Bald

Example: Tan joven y ya está desentejado. - So young and already bald.

Escobio (Cuba)Friend

Example: Eres buen escobio. - You're a good friend.

Escracho (Uruguay)Ugly person

Example: Salieron con dos minas, una era bonita, pero la otra un escracho. - Two girls went out, one was beautiful, but the other ugly.

Escuincle (México) Kid, brat, little boy

Example: ¿Qué hacen estos escuincles por aquí? - What are those brats doing here?

Fachero (Argentina)Fashionable boy

Example: Tu hermano quedó muy fachero en esa foto. - Your brother looked very fashionable in that picture.

Fiaca (Argentina)Laziness, be lazy

Example: No iré a la escuela hoy, tengo fiaca. - I won't go to school today, I'm lazy.

Gallina (Colombia)Coward person

Example: No seas un gallina, entra. - Don't be a coward, get in.

Gonorrea (Colombia) Bad person

Example: No confíes mucho en el, es un gonorrea. - Don't trust him, he is a bad person.

Grone (Perú) Black person

Example: No me importa si eres grone, lo que me importa es tu actitud. - I don't care if you're black, everything that matters is your attitude.

Guacho (México) Soldier

Example: Mi padre solía ser un guacho, lo extraño mucho. - My father used to be a soldier, I miss him a lot.

Guagua (Chile) Baby

Example: Si alguna vez tengo una guagua, la llamaré Octavia. - If I ever have a baby, I'll name her Octavia.

Guapa/o (Paraguay)Hard worker

Example: Tu madre es bien guapa. - Your mother is such a hard worker.

Guial (Panamá) Woman

Example: Acabo de ver a una guial con vestido azul. - I've just seen a woman on a blue dress.

Guila (Costa Rica) Girlfriend

Example: A mi guila no le gusta ir al  cine. - My girlfriend doesn't like to go to the cinema.

Guiri (Spain)Tourist

Example: Ese guiri parece perdido. - That tourist seems lost.

Jeba (Cuba) Girlfriend, young woman

Example: Mi jeba esta molesta conmigo, no sé por qué. - My girlfriend is pissed at me, I don't know why.

Jerma (Perú) Girlfriend

Example: ¿Puedes decirle a tu jerma que esta es una charla privada? - Can you tell your girlfriend that this is a private chat?

Lea (Colombia) Woman, girl

Example: Mira esa lea, que linda. - Look at that woman, so cute.

Líchigo (Colombia)Stingy

Example: No seas lichigo, dame uno mas. - Don't be stingy, give me one more.

Llave (Colombia) Friend

Example: Que buen llave que eres. - You're such a good friend.

Lurias (México)Crazy, mad

Example: Estás lurias si piensas que voy a entrar allí. - You are really crazy if you think I'm going to get in there.

Maceta (Cuba) Rich person

Example: Pídele dinero a tu padre que él es maceta. - Ask your father for money since he is rich.

Machete (Perú)Boyfriend

Example: Juanita está feliz con su nuevo machete. - Juanita is happy with her new boyfriend.

Mala leche (Chile)Negative Person

Example: Tu amigo Francisco es super mala leche. - Your friend Francisco is a very bad intentioned person.

Mano de guagua (Chile)Stingy

Example: No seas mano de guagua y compra un anillo más caro para tu novia. - Don't be stingy and buy a more expensive ring for your girlfriend.

Mara (Guatemala)A group of people

Example: Ayer hicimos una fiesta con la mara de la clase. - Yesterday we had a party with our classmates.

Maruja (Spain) House wife

Example: Clara es una maruja. - Clara is a housewife.

Menso (México)Stupid person

Example: No seas menso, solo estaba bromeando. - Don't be stupid, I was kidding.

Mina (Argentina)Girl, woman

Example: Esa mina tiene mucho dinero. - That girl has a lot of money.

Mojonero (Venezuela) A liar, someone who lies

Example: No seas mojonero, eso no terminará bien. - Don't be a liar, it won't end well.

Morrillo (México)Young kid

Example: Ven con tu morrillo si quieres. - You can come with your kid if you want.

Nabo (Uruguay) Stupid person

Example: No seas nabo, ella no te quiere. - Don't be stupid, she doesn't love you.

Nana (El Salvador) Mother

Example: Mi nana no se siente bien. - My mother doesn't feel good.

Ñata (Bolivia)Girlfriend

Example: Mi ñata esta de vacaciones. - My girlfriend is on vacation.

Ñato (Bolivia)Boyfriend

Example: Mi ñato dijo que pasaría por mi. - My boyfriend said he'd come for me.

Ñorsa (Perú) Wife

Example: Su ñorsa no es muy agradable. - Your wife isn't too nice.

Pachoso (Puerto RIco) Shy person

Example: No seas pachoso, Aaron es muy amable. - Don't be shy, Aaron is very kind.

Pajla (Argentina)Bald

Example: Sólo tiene veinte años y ya es casi pajla. - He's only twenty years old and he's almost bald.

Pata (Perú) Friend

Example: Es mi pata, no te preocupes.- He's my friend, don't worry.

Patas negra (Chile)A lover

Example: Escuche que tiene un pata negra. -I heard she has a lover.

Patojo (Guatemala)Child, Boy

Example: Mira a ese patojo, creo que tiene unos cinco años. - Look at that kid, I think he is about five years old.

Pelotudo (Argentina) Stupid

 Example: No seas pelotudo, ese auto esta roto. - Don't be stupid, that car is broken.

Pelucón (Ecuador) Rich person

Example: Mira a ese pelucón, cree que es dueño del lugar. - Look at that rich boy, he thinks he owns the place.

Penco (Honduras) Stupid person

Example: No seas penco, ella no te ama. - Don't be stupid, she doesn't love you.

Penco (Cuba)Coward

Example: Que penco, siempre huyendo. - Such a coward, always running away.

Pendejo (Cuba, Dominican Republic)Coward person

Example: No seas pendejo, ven aquí - Come over here, don't be a coward.

Pendejo (Argentina)Young boy

Example: Es muy pendejo para vos. - He's too young for you.

Pichi (México) Baby

Example: Que lindo pichi, ¿Cuándo nació? - Such a cute baby, when was he born?

Pichirre (Venezuela)Selfish, stingy

Example: El jefe es un pichirre, no nos quiere pagar los dias extra. - The boss is stingy, he doesn't want to pay our extra days.

Pincho (Cuba)Boss at work

Example: El pincho no me dejará irme antes. - The boss won't let me leave earlier.

Piola (Argentina)Nice Person

Example: Es piola, deberías hablarle. - He's cool, you should speak to him.

Piquete (Cuba) Group of people, usually friends

Example: Vámonos, tiene otro piquete. - Let's go, seems like he has a new group of friends.

Pituco (Chile)Rich Person

Example: Prefiero ser pobre y feliz, que pituco y triste. - I'd rather be poor and happy, than rich and sad.

Polla (Colombia)Girlfriend

Example: Amo a mi polla y a nadie mas. - I love my girlfriend and none else.

Polola (Chile)Girlfriend

Example: Mi polola está en casa. - My girlfriend is at home.

Pololo (Chile)Boyfriend

Example: No puedo, tengo pololo. - I can't, I have a boyfriend.

Puro (Cuba) Father

Example: Mi puro esta enfermo. - My dad is ill.

Rata (Argentina)Stingy

Example: No seas rata, dame uno mas. - Don't be stingy, give me one more.

Roco (Costa Rica)Old person

Example: Es un roco, no lo molestes. - He's an old man, don't bother him.

Socio (EcuadorPuerto RIco)Friend

Example: Eres mi socio, lo que necesites. - You're my friend, whatever you need.

Sorompo (Costa Rica)Stupid person, silly

Example: Es un sorompo, nunca entiende nada. - He's stupid, never understands anything.

Tronco (Spain)Friend

Example: Ese es mi tronco. - That's my friend.

Vago (Argentina) Young man

Example: ¿Cómo se llama ese vago? - How's that guy called?

Yuma (Cuba)Foreigner, tourist

Example: Ese yuma parece perdido. - That  tourist looks lost.

Zapato (Colombia) Ugly person

Example: Ese chico es un zapato.  -  That's such an ugly boy.