Chapter 5 : Money Copy
Arrancao (Cuba) - Broke, with no money
Example: No iré, lo siento, estoy arrancao. - I won't come, I'm sorry, I'm broke.
Baro (México) - Money
Example: No tengo un baro. - I'm out of money.
Bolser (Chile) - Someone who constantly ask for money
Example: No le respondas, ese chaval es un bolsero. - Don't even answer to him, he is a beggar.
Cambalache (Colombia) - Trade, exchange
Example: Hagamos un cambalache, tu moto por mi computadora. - Let's make a trade, your bike for my computer.
Chiro (Ecuador) - Broke, out of money
Example: No puedo ir, estoy chiro. - I can't go, I'm broke.
Encalillado (Chile) - Person in debt
Example: Necesito trabajo, estoy encalillado. - I need work, I'm in debt.
Fula (Cuba) - U.S Dollar
Example: Compraré un par de fulas para el viaje. - I'll buy a couple of dollars for the trip.
Guaca (Cuba) - Money saved and stored at home
Example: Tengo una guaca debajo de la cama, no le digas a nadie. - I have some money saved under the bed, don't tell anyone.
Guaniquiqui (Cuba) - Money
Example: Ella está con ese hombre por el guaniquiqui que él tiene. - She is with that man because of his money.
Guita (Argentina) - Money
Example: No tengo guita, quizás la próxima. - I'm out of money, maybe next time.
Harina (Costa Rica) - Money
Example: He dejado toda la harina en casa. - I've left all my money at home.
Lana (México) - Money
Example: No tengo tanta lana. - I don't have that much money.
Líchigo (Colombia) - Stingy
Example: No seas líchigo, dame uno más. - Don't be stingy, give me one more.
Maceta (Cuba) - Rich person
Example: Pídele dinero a tu padre que él es maceta. - Ask your father for money since he is rich.
Mango (Argentina) - Argentinian Money (Peso)
Example: Compré esta camisa por 50 mangos. - I bought this shirt for 50 pesos.
Mano de guagua (Chile) - Stingy
Example: No seas mano de guagua y compra un anillo más caro para tu novia. - Don't be stingy and buy a more expensive ring for your girlfriend.
Misio (Perú) - Broke (without money)
Example: Estoy misio, ¿me prestas un poco de dinero? - I'm out of money, can you lend me some?
Mondao (Colombia) - Broke, with no money
Example: Ando mondao, me pagan el próximo Lunes. - I'm broke, I'll get paid next Monday.
Pasta (Spain) - Money
Example: Enséñame la pasta. - Show me the money.
Pato (Chile) - Broke, with no money
Example: Lo siento, estoy pato, quizás otro día. - I'm sorry, I'm broke, maybe another day.
Pedorro (Argentina) - Something of poor quality
Example: Que película pedorra. - Such a bad movie.
Pelucón (Ecuador) - Rich person
Example: Mira a ese pelucon, cree que es dueño del lugar. - Look at that rich boy, he thinks he owns the place.
Pichirre (Venezuela) - Selfish, stingy
Example: El jefe es un pichirre, no nos quiere pagar los dias extra. - The boss is stingy, he doesn't want to pay our extra days.
Pisto (El Salvador) - Money
Example: No tengo pisto, quizás otro día. - I don't have money, maybe another day.
Pituco (Chile) - Rich Person
Example: Prefiero ser pobre y feliz, que pituco y triste. - I'd rather be poor and happy, than rich and sad.
Plata (Argentina) - Money
Example: No tengo mucha plata, pero me encantaría. - I don't have a lot of money, but I'd like to.
Rata (Argentina) - Stingy
Example: No seas rata, dame uno más. - Don't be stingy, give me one more.
Teca (Uruguay) - Money
Example: No tendré teca hasta el próximo mes. - I won't have any money till next month.