Didier Aprende a Pescar- Didier Learns How to Fish
English Version:
Spanish Version:
Como todos los años, la familia de Didier pasa sus vacaciones en la casa de sus abuelos. Ellos viven en el campo, en una gran casa cerca del rio. Les lleva muchas horas llegar a ese lugar. Les llevó tanto tiempo que hasta Didier se durmió en el coche.
Like every year, Didier’s entire family spends their holiday at his grandparents house. They live in the country, in a big house near a river. It takes many hours to get to their place. It took so long that Didier fell asleep in the car.
Cuando llegaron a la casa de sus abuelos, Didier se tiró a los brazos de su abuela. Habían pasado meses desde la última vez que la vio.
When they arrived at his grandparents’ house, Didier threw himself in his grandmother’s arms. It had been months since he last saw her.
“¡Vaya! Sí que has crecido,” le dijo su abuela.
“Si abuela,” respondió Didier, “Es porque he estado comiendo mis verduras.”
“My! How you have grown,” his grandmother remarked.
“Yes, grandmother,” responded Didier, “It’s because I eat all my vegetables.”
Ellos pasaron treinta minutos vaciando el baúl del coche y moviendo las cosas a las habitaciones en las que se quedarían. Didier trajo ropa, pero también unos juguetes y libros.
They spent a good thirty minutes emptying the trunk of the car and moving in to the rooms where they were going to stay. Didier brought some clothes, but also some toys and books.
Esa noche, Didier se fue a dormir después de la cena porque estaba muy cansado. Pero, al día siguiente, estaba ansioso por aprovechar su primer día de vacaciones. Empezó con el delicioso desayuno que le esperaba. Él comió sándwiches con jamón que su madre le había preparado con prisa.
That night, Didier went to sleep just after dinner because he was very tired. But the next day, he was anxious to make the most of his first day of vacation. It started with the excellent breakfast that awaited him. He ate his sandwiches with jam that his grandmother made with great haste.
“¿Qué te gustaría hacer hoy, Didier?” preguntó su abuelo.
“No se aún, abuelito.” Respondió Didier. “Tal vez juegue con mi nuevo carrito a control remoto.”
“¿Qué te parece si mejor vamos a pescar?”
“What would you like to do today, Didier?” asked his grandfather.
“I don’t know yet, granddad,” responded Didier. “Maybe I will play with my new remote control car.”
“What if instead we went fishing?”
Didier no quería ir a pescar la verdad. Pero había pasado mucho tiempo sin haber pasado un buen rato con su abuelo. Se dijo sí mismo que podía jugar con su carrito a control remoto en otro momento.
Didier did not really want to go fishing. But it had been a long time since he last spent some quality time with his grandfather. He told himself he could play with his remote control car another time.
“Está bien abuelito. Iremos a pescar,” dijo Didier.
“Iremos inmediatamente después del desayuno.”
“Okay granddad. We will go fishing,” said Didier.
“We will go immediately after breakfast.”
Tal como habían discutido, Didier y su abuelo salieron de la casa justo después del desayuno. Didier hizo su parte al sostener la cubeta donde pondrían los peces que capturaran. El sol aún no estaba en lo más alto, pero se notaba que sería un buen día.
Like they had discussed, Didier and his grandfather left the house just after breakfast. Didier did his part by holding the pail where they would put the fish they caught. The sun was not yet at its peak, but you could tell it was going to be a beautiful day.
Llegaron rápidamente al rio. Ellos empezaron a poner sus cosas a la orilla del rio. Didier pensó que empezarían a pescar inmediatamente, pero en lugar de eso, su abuelo le dijo:
They arrived quickly at the river. They began putting all of their belongings down on the bank. Didier thought they were going to start fishing immediately, but instead his grandfather told him:
“Antes de empezar, es necesario que encontremos algunas lombrices.”
“¿Lombrices?” preguntó Didier.
“Si, lombrices,” respondió su abuelo.
“Before starting to fish, it is necessary to first find some worms.”
“Some worms?” asked Didier.
“Yes, earthworms,” responded his grandfather.
Didier no quería ensuciarse. Su abuelo le explicó cómo encontrar lombrices. Al principio, Didier lo encontró raro, pero luego se empezó a sorprender lo mucho que metía las manos en la tierra. Después de unos minutos, su abuelo le dijo que ya tenían suficientes lombrices para empezar a pescar.
Didier did not feel up to getting dirty. His grandfather explained how to find the worms. At first, Didier found it to be weird, but quickly he began to amuse himself by plunging his hands into the soil. After a few minutes, his grandfather told him they had enough worms to start fishing.
Su abuelo le enseñó cómo poner una lombriz en el anzuelo. A Didier le tomó algo de tiempo colocar correctamente la lombriz. El abuelo y el nieto se sentaron a la orilla del rio. Didier intentó tirar su línea de pescar, pero se le enredó.
His grandfather showed him how to put a worm on a fishing hook. Didier took a bit of time before he successfully put his worm on. The grandfather and his grandson sat down on the edge of the riverbank. Didier tried to throw his line out, but it became tangled.
Su abuelo fue muy paciente, pero le tomó tiempo desenredar la línea. Luego le enseño como tirar la línea sin enredarla. Didier lo intentó por segunda vez. Esta vez, lo hizo correctamente y estaba muy orgulloso de sí mismo.
His grandfather was very patient and took the time to untangle the line. He then showed him how to cast the line without tangling it. Didier gave it a second try. This time, he was successful and he was very proud of himself.
El sol ahora estaba en su cumbre. Didier y su abuelo se sentaron en la sombra de un árbol de roble. Había una pequeña brisa y el aire era fresco. Los pájaros cantaban en los árboles que les rodeaban. Didier también escuchó unos grillos que venían de la hierba.
The sun was now at its peak intensity. Didier and his grandfather sat down in the shade of a large oak tree. There was a light breeze and the air was fresh. The birds sang in the trees that surrounded them. Didier also heard some crickets that were hiding in the grass.
Justo antes de mediodía, Didier sintió que algo tiraba de su línea.
A little before noon, Didier felt something tug on his line.
“Abuelo, hay algo al final de mi línea,” dijo Didier.
“Espera, voy a ayudarte,” respondió su abuelo.
“Grandfather, there is something on the end of my line,” said Didier.
“Wait, I am coming to help you,” responded his grandfather.
Su abuelo puso la cubeta sobre el suelo y se aproximó a Didier.
His grandfather put down a fish pail and approached Didier.
“Ahora, debes halar al pez,” le dijo.
“Now, you must reel in the fish,” he told him.
Didier se empezó a emocionar. El pez que estaba al final de su línea tiraba muy fuerte. El pequeñín se dijo a si mismo que el pez debía ser grande.
Didier became more and more excited. The fish on the end of his line pulled hard. The little boy told himself that the fish must be big.
“Suavemente y sin parar, debes girar el carrete para enrollar la línea,” le instruyó su abuelo.
“Lightly and without stopping, you will turn the reel to roll up the line,” his grandfather instructed.
Usando las instrucciones de su abuelo, Didier usó el carrete para poder halar la línea. De vez en cuando, su abuelo le ayudó a sostener la caña porque el pez tiraba fuertemente. Sin embargo, después de cierto tiempo, pudieron ver el pez saltar fuera del agua. Didier tenía razón – el pez era grande.
In following the instructions of his grandfather, Didier used the reel to bring in the line. From time to time his grandfather helped him hold the rod because the fish was putting up a fight. However, after a moment, they saw the fish hop out of the water while twisting. Didier was right — the fish was big.
Con la ayuda de su abuelo, Didier desenganchó el pez y lo puso en la cubeta llena de agua.
With the help of his grandfather, Didier unhooked the fish and put it in the pail filled with water.
“Bravo, Didier,” le dijo su abuelo. “Para tu primera vez, es un pez realmente hermoso.”
“Gracias abuelo,” respondió Didier con una sonrisa.
“Bravo, Didier,” his grandfather told him. “For your first time, it really is a beautiful fish.”
“Thank you grandpa,” responded Didier with a smile.
Ellos decidieron comer antes de seguir pescando. Ellos comieron lo que su abuela les había preparado. Había un poco de carne, trozos de pastel, uvas y dos botellas de zumo de frutas.
They both decided to eat before continuing to fish. They ate well what their grandmother had prepared them. There was some bread with slices of roast beef, slices of cake, some grapes and two bottle of fruit juice.
Después de la comida, continuaron pescando durante varias horas más. La tarde pasó muy rápido. Luego, Didier y su abuelo empezaron a recoger sus cosas y se dirigieron a la casa. Ellos atraparon a seis peces y estaban muy ansiosos para mostrarle a su familia lo que habían capturado.
After the meal, they went back again to fish for several more hours. The afternoon passed by quickly. Then, Didier and his grandfather picked up their belongings and headed back to the house. They had trapped six fish and were anxious to show the family what they had caught.
Con mucho orgullo, Didier mostró a sus padres los peces que habían atrapado.
With a lot of pride, Didier showed his parents the fish they had caught.
“Los lavaré y los preparé para la cena,” dijo la madre de Didier.
“Yo cocinaré unas zanahorias y papas para comer con el pescado,” dijo su padre.
“I will wash them and prepare them for dinner,” said Didier’s mom.
“I will cook some carrots and potatoes to eat with the fish,” said Didier’s father.
Esa noche, todos festejaron en la mesa con los pescados y una salsa deliciosa. Las papas y las zanahorias se derretían en su boca. Didier dijo que tuvo un gran día y esperaba poder pescar otra vez con su abuelo.
That evening, everyone feasted at the table on the cooked fish in a delicious sauce. The potatoes and the carrots melted in their mouths. Didier said he had a great day and hoped to fish again with his grandfather.