Week 22 – Spanish Idioms Copy Copy
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Day 148
No pegar ni con cola (Spain)
Not to stick even with glue
When you believe two things/person don't look well together
Spanish Example:
Ese chándal que llevas no pega ni con cola con tus zapatos de tacón.
English Example:
That tracksuit you're wearing doesn't look well with those high heels.
Day 149
No ser trigo limpio (Spain)
Not to be clean wheat
When you don't trust someone/something
Spanish Example:
Sabía que esas chicas no eran trigo limpio.
English Example:
I knew those girls were bad news.
Day 150
No tener abuela (Spain)
Not to have a grandmother
To be vain and continuously say good things about yourself
Spanish Example:
Tan joven y sin abuela.
English Example:
So young and vain.
Day 151
Salir algo Redondo (Spain)
To leave something round
When something ends in a perfect way
Spanish Example:
Si quieres que el día te salga redondo empieza el día con Donuts.
English Example:
If you want your day to go perfectly, start it with Doughnuts.
Day 152
Olerse la tostada (Spain)
To smell the toast
To suspect something
Spanish Example:
Ya me olía la tostada de que algo iba mal.
English Example:
I suspected there was something wrong.
Day 153
Otro gallo cantaría (Spain)
Another rooster would sing
It is used to indicate the things would have been different
Spanish Example:
Si hubieses estudiado un poco, otro gallo te cantaría.
English Example:
If you had studied a bit, things would be so different.
Day 154
Pan para hoy, hambre para mañana (Spain)
Bread for today, hunger for tomorrow
To benefit on the short-term and nothing in the future
Spanish Example:
Abandonar la escuela y ponerse a trabajar, es pan para hoy, pero hambre para mañana, te arrepentirás.
English Example:
Leaving your studies to start working is a short-term benefit, you'll regret it in the future.