Lesson 28 of 27
In Progress

Week 35 – Spanish Idioms Copy

Listen to Track Week 35

Day 239

Ser cortado (Spain)

To be cut

To be shy

Spanish Example:

Es medio corto, espero que cambie al madurar.

English Example:

He is kind of shy, I hope he'll get better as he grows up.

Day 240

Dar calabazas (Spain)

To give pumpkin

To say 'no' to someone who has a romantic interest on you

Spanish Example:

Me acaba de dar calabazas la tía más loca del mundo.

English Example:

I just got rejected by the world's craziest girl.

Day 241

Estar hasta las narices (Spain)

To be up to the nose

To be sick of something/someone

Spanish Example:

Sabes, comienzo a estar hasta las narices de ti.

English Example:

You know, I'm getting mighty sick of you.

Day 242

Colarse por alguien (Spain)

To seep for someone

To fall in love with someone

Spanish Example:

Tim no quiere colarse por Kristen.

English Example:

Tim doesn't want to fall in love with Kristen.

Day 243

¡Qué mala pata! (Spain)

What a bad leg!

Expression used when someone has bad luck

Spanish Example:

Tenía la mala pata de enamorarme de mujeres que no estaban disponibles.

English Example:

It was always my bad luck to fall in love with women who were already taken.

Day 244

Subirse por las paredes (Spain)

To climb the walls

To be angry/mad

Spanish Example:

Otra actuación penosa como la de ayer, y el Dr. Gottlieb se subirá por las paredes

English Example:

Another dropout performance like yesterday, you'll have Dr. Gottlieb climbing the walls.

Day 245

Estar como una cabra (Spain)

To be like a goat

To be a bit mad

Spanish Example:

Quiero que dejes de estar como una cabra cinco minutos y seas Hank Pym

English Example:

I want you to stop being crazy for 5 minutes and be Hank Pym