Week 4 – Spanish Idioms Copy Copy
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Day 22
Consultar algo con la almohada (Mexico)
To consult something with the pillow
To need time to think about an important decision, usually when you go to bed; to sleep on (something).
Spanish Example:
¿Vas a prestarme el dinero ? No sé, lo voy a consultar con la almohada..
English Example:
Are you going to lend me the money? I don´t know, I´ll sleep on it.
Day 23
Irse el santo al cielo (Spain)
The saint goes to the sky
To forget something or to be distracted; to lose track of time
Spanish Example
Perdona, se me fue el santo al cielo.
English Example:
Sorry, I totally lost track of time.
Day 24
Matar el gusanillo (Spain)
To kill the little worm
To eat something (a snack, for example) when you're too hungry to wait for the food
Spanish Example:
El producto ideal para disfrutar entre horas y matar el gusanillo.
English Example:
The ideal product to enjoy between meals and to keep you going.
Day 25
Estar como una cuba (Spain)
To be like a barrel or a vat
To be drunk, plastered
Spanish Example
Si sigues bebiendo Tequila, en diez minutos estarás borracho como una cuba
English Example:
If you keep drinking Tequila, in 10 minutes, you'll be plastered.
Day 26
Comerse a alguien con los ojos (Spain)
To eat someone with the eyes
To look deeply into someone, usually with desire or lust
Spanish Example:
Nos quieren comer con los ojos.
English Example:
They are ogling at us.
Day 27
Comerse el coco (Spain)
To eat your own head
To think too much about something, usually a problem; to obsess about an issue
Spanish Example:
Aunque te comas el coco, nunca sabrás por qué no te quiere.
English Example:
There's no point obsessing about it, you will never know why she doesn't love you.
Day 28
Comerse un marrón (Spain)
To eat a brown
To receive/solve a problem that isn't yours and nobody wants to take care of because it's complicated/delicate.
Spanish Example:
No me voy a comer el marrón yo sola.
English Example:
I won't deal with this by myself.