Lesson 28 of 27
In Progress

Week 42 – Spanish Idioms Copy

Listen to Track 42

Day 288

Hacer un tercer grado (Spain)

To make a third degree

To ask a lot of questions

Spanish Example:

Aguantando un tercer grado para salvarle de la cárcel.

English Example:

Going through a third degree to save him from jail.

Day 289

Quedarse de hielo (Spain)

To be left of ice

To be astonished

Spanish Example:

Esa canción me ha hecho quedar de hielo.

English Example:

That song totally shocked me.

Day 290

Estar en el ojo del huracán (Mexico)

To be in the eye of the hurricane

To be in the middle of a problem

Spanish Example:

Necesitamos gente ávida de sentir lo nuevo, deseosa de estar en el ojo del huracán.

English Example:

We need people who are eager for something new, itching to be in the thick of things.

Day 291

Capear el temporal (Spain)

To ride out the storm

To endure problems or difficult situations

Spanish Example:

Gracias a su liderazgo, hemos podido capear el temporal.

English Example:

Thanks to his leadership, we've been able to weather the storm.

Day 292

Aguantar el chaparrón (Spain)

To stand the downpour

To stand a difficult situation

Spanish Example:

Debemos aguantar el chaparrón y esperar a que las cosas mejoren.

English Example:

We need to stand still and wait till things get better.

Day 293

Estar que trina (Mexico)

To be that trills

To be angry

Spanish Example:

Papá está que trina con ese timbre.

English Example

Dad's going crazy with that bell ringing.

Day 294

(Saber/Oler) a rayos (Mexico)

(To taste/to smell) as lightning

(To taste/To smell) really bad

Spanish Example:

Esta hamburguesa huele a rayos.

English Example:

This burger smells really bad.