Week 5 – Spanish Idioms Copy Copy
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Day 29
A bulto (Spain)
By package
At first glance; to estimate based on a first look
Spanish Example:
No puedo ver bien la caja, pero asi, a bulto, estimo que hay unas 30 unidades.
English Example:
I can't see the box, but by the looks of it, there could be 30 units.
Day 30
A la vuelta de la esquina (Spain)
around the corner
Very near; justa round the corner
Spanish Example
Las oportunidades están a la vuelta de la esquina.
English Example:
Opportunities are just around the corner.
Day 31
A ojo de buen cubero (Spain)
By eye of good cooper
To do something in an approximate way, without accuracy and without measuring tools; to estimate
Spanish Example:
A ojo de buen cubero, calculamos que caja mide 1 pie y medio..
English Example:
By a rough estimation, we calculate that each box is about a foot and a half
Day 32
A otro perro con ese hueso (Spain)
To another dog with that bone
When you don't believe what someone is telling you, and you suggest to tell that story to another person.
Spanish Example
¡A otro perro con ese hueso!
English Example:
Go try that on someone else.
Day 33
A palo seco (Spain)
By a dry stick
To eat/drink something by itself. (for example, an alcohol drink without any mix)
Spanish Example:
Camarero Por favor, ponme un ron a palo seco
English Example:
Bar tender, please, A glass of rum, straight in, no water.
Day 34
Ahuecar el ala (Spain)
To scoop out the wing
To leave
Spanish Example:
Si eso es lo que hace, ya puede ahuecar el ala.
English Example:
If that's what you're doing, get out of here.
Day 35
Al tun tun (Spain)
By the 'tun tun'
Something made in a random way
Spanish Example:
Uno no se abalanza sobre este tipo de cosas al tun tun.
English Example:
You don't just randomly jump into these sort of things .