Week 9 – Spanish Idioms Copy Copy
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Day 57
Dormir como un tronco (Spain)
To sleep like a log
To sleep very deeply
Spanish Example:
Dijiste que la poción la haría dormir como un tronco.
English Example:
You said the potion would make her sleep like a log.
Day 58
Dormir la mona (Spain)
to make the female monkey sleep
To sleep when you're very drunk
Spanish Example:
Será mejor que le deje dormir la mona aquí.
English Example:
Better to just let him sleep it off here.
Day 59
Dormirse en los laureles (Spain)
To fall sleep on the laurels
To relax after achieving a goal or a success; to rest on one’s laurels
Spanish Example:
Queda aún mucho por hacer, no nos podemos dormir sobre los laureles.
English Example:
While much has been done, we cannot rest on our laurels.
Day 60
Echar leña al fuego (Spain)
To throw wood in the fire
When there is a problem, to give more reasons to make it bigger instead of trying to solve it
Spanish Example
Nuestros Gobiernos no deberían echar leña al fuego repatriando a la fuerza a ciudadanos en Zimbabue.
English Example:
Our Governments should not be making things worse by forcibly returning people to Zimbabwe.
Day 61
El hábito no hace al monje (Spain)
The habit doesn't make the monk
Looks can be deceiving
Spanish Example:
Me halagáis, señor, pero el hábito no hace al monje.
English Example:
You flatter me, sir, but clothes don't make the man.
Day 62
No estar el horno para bollos (Spain)
The oven isn´t ready for bread rolls
When someone isn't in a good mood
Spanish Example:
No está el horno para bollos, Salcedo, y usted lo sabe muy bien.
English Example:
Now's a bad time, Salcedo. And you know it.
Day 63
El mismo perro con distinto collar (Spain)
The same dog with different collar
When there are people or things that look different but in the end they are the same
Spanish Example:
Los PPME y el consenso posterior a Colonia: ¿los mismos perros con distintos collares?
English Example:
HIPC and the post-Cologne consensus: Old wine in a new bottle?